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Check your Cyber Exposure and ensure your organisation is covered

Free Cyber Risk Assessment for Friendly WiFi clients, in partnership, and provided by James Hallam Insurance Brokers.

During annual insurance reviews, businesses typically assess uninsured risks with their insurance brokers. While most of these risks can be dismissed through cost-benefit analysis, cyber risks pose a unique challenge. Their impact on businesses is still evolving, and incidents are expected to increase—similar to the trend in North America. In the US, more than 75% of corporate businesses now purchase cyber insurance.

Different businesses face cyber risks in various ways. Some rely on their websites for revenue, while others depend on hosted accounting systems or store sensitive client data. There are numerous scenarios that expose businesses to electronic threats. To start addressing these risks, businesses should identify and mitigate both external and internal IT vulnerabilities, including data theft, hijacks, bot scams, and basic human error.
Check your cyber exposure and enable your organsation to take proactive measures to mitigate risk and improve your security.
Our Approved Partner James Hallam Insurance Brokers have specialised in placing cyber risk in the London market for over fifteen years. In addition to covering common threats, they offer unique protections often overlooked by other cyber insurers.

For instance:​
  • First-party cover is provided for each claim, ensuring policyholders aren’t limited by an aggregate policy. They can access full benefits even if they experience multiple cyber incidents within the same policy period.
  • Retroactive cover is standard, meaning breaches discovered during the policy period are covered—even if they occurred long before. This is crucial, given that it takes an average of 205 days to detect a breach.
  • The firm has an in-house incident response team for efficient real-time handling of cyber incidents, with no deductible for initial response services.
  • Senior executives targeted in cyber attacks receive broader coverage, including theft of personal funds.
  • If directors and officers face legal action after a cyber attack, the policy provides affirmative cover if their management liability policy doesn’t respond.
  • Incident response costs are covered separately from the policy limit.
  • No excess applies to initial reporting and investigation costs.
  • Full systems failure and resultant business interruption are covered.
  • The policy extends to the entire supply chain, including technology and non-technology suppliers.
  • Cryptojacking and botnetting fall under the definition of cyber crime.
  • Additional extra expense coverage accounts for costs beyond normal operating expenses.
  • Hardware replacement coverage includes damage resulting from cyber events.
How the Risk Assessment works
Once you submit your request below, your form will be received by a team member from James Hallam. Using the information you provided, your Free Cyber Risk Assessment will be activated and processed. Your report will be sent to your nominated company email address and James Hallam will follow up to provide advice and assistance, or answer any questions you may have regarding your results.

Please note that we may not be able to carry out the risk assessment for certain organisations in specific sectors. This limitation may be due to regulatory restrictions, sector-specific requirements, or other operational constraints. We will inform you promptly if your organisation falls within these categories.



A Financial Controller gave a PIN code and password over the telephone to someone claiming to be from his company’s bank. This resulted in £100,000 being stolen from the company bank account. The bank refused to reimburse the funds as this appeared to them to be an authorised request.


A hacker threatened to publish medical data from a private clinic unless a £13,000 ransom was paid in Bitcoin. Forensic IT investigation confirmed 3,000 records had been compromised but no sensitive data had been stolen. It was decided not to pay the ransom and the hacker did not publish the data.


A haulage company suffered a widespread ransomware attack. All files were encrypted and a ransom of £10,000 was demanded for the decryption key. The company refused to pay the ransom and decide to manually recreate the records. Lost business and overtime costs amounted to nearly £1,000,000.

Claim Form

Request your Free Cyber Risk Assessment*​

Provided directly by James Halllam Insurance Brokers

Find my company registration number here

Thanks for submitting! Your Free Cyber Risk Assessment will be completed shortly.

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Partnering with the best in the business

​James Hallam are one of the UK’s leading, fully independent, brokers and have a reputation for providing superior risk advice and insurance management programmes.


James Hallam Insurance Brokers is a trading name of James Hallam Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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