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Get Accredited
Child traveling by train. Little kid in a high speed express train on family vacation in E


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Public WiFi services in the transport sector help to connect millions of passengers, people, customers and their devices every day, and a great user experience should begin at the moment they log in...


It is vital when providing a WiFi service that it is safe for passengers to use. Creating a great user experience for all by not allowing exposure to the viewing of harmful or illicet content when browsing the internet. 


Organisations in the transport sector (such as train operators, bus, aviation, and transport terminals) have the ability to register for the Friendly WiFi certification and to display the colourful symbol. Becoming Friendly WiFi certified means they are independantly checked to prove their service blocks access to pornography and images and videos of illegal child sexual abuse material, which is the requirement for use of the symbol.


Friendly WiFi is a government-initiated safe certification standard for public WiFi. The Friendly WiFi symbol tells the WiFi users that the Public WiFi they are connecting to meets the minimum filtering standards – particularly in areas where children are present*. In fact, UK Government asked the Rail Delivery Group to develop a package of measures for all operators comprising of a national commitment to sign up to the Friendly WiFi certification.


Friendly WiFi has already certified many organisations in the transport sector, with thousands of rail and bus vehicles proudly wearing the symbol and providing assurance to their passengers that the WiFi they are using is safe and protected. â€‹

Your Questions

Click here to find answers to the most common questions about Friendly WiFi certification.

Client Flyer

Click here to see some of the great brands already certified and supporting safe WiFi.


Click here to learn why Friendly  WiFi enhances your brand reputation.


Click here to learn about the 5 simple steps to become certified.



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*Blocking access to such content is the pre requirement for attaining the certification and using the symbol. Providers of Public WiFi services may choose to implement additional filtering and safety measures beyond the requirements of the Friendly WiFi certification, which are defined within their own WiFi policies and are not controlled by Friendly WiFi.

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