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Leaders of successful tourism destinations know access to safe, reliable WiFi is amongst the top reasons for
visitor attraction.


Locations – even whole cities – which have become Friendly WiFi Approved have shown that they are different. They are safe.


Friendly WiFi is a government-recognised commitment to visitors and guests that your online experience will be comfortable and secure.


Wherever you see the Friendly WiFi symbol the WiFi is filtered for:

  • Pornography

  • Webpages known by the Internet Watch Foundation (or other reputable list providers) to host indecent images of children

  • Adverts or links to such content 


It won’t matter who else your visitors are near or which of your venues they attend  â€“ their experience will be a safe one.


Children and young people using devices and browsing the web will be protected and kept away from any unwelcome online presence.


The Friendly WiFi symbol tells your visitors – and potential visitors – you care for their online experience and wellbeing.


Friendly WiFi – It’s good to know.




London Stadium

Creating a safer online space for families and children

The stadium's WiFi now meets recommended standards for content filtering, providing peace of mind to parents and guardians


Scottish Canals

Reliable and safe WiFi access improves the overall visitor experience

Scottish Canals' commitment to creating a secure and welcoming environment along Scotland's beautiful waterways


Newport City Council

Commitment to Safety

Newport City Council understood the significance of creating a family-friendly digital space

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Sunderland City Council

Ensuring the online safety of users was paramount

It not only demonstrated their commitment to digital safety but also provided peace of mind to all WiFi users


St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Recognising the importance of providing safe internet access

By ensuring that the WiFi is safe, the cathedral is not only enhancing the visitor experience but also promoting a safer online environment


York City Council

The introduction of Friendly WiFi certification was a game-changer

York's achievement in becoming the UK’s first Friendly WiFi city garnered national attention, including headlines in major newspapers. 

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