Oxford University GLAM Achieves Friendly WiFi Certification

We are thrilled to announce that Oxford University's Gardens, Libraries and Museums has recently achieved Friendly WiFi certification!
What is Friendly WiFi?
Friendly WiFi is a government-initiated safe certification standard for public WiFi. It ensures that WiFi services meet minimum filtering standards, particularly in areas where children are present. As a provider of online safety advice, Friendly WiFi plays a crucial role in creating a safe online environment for everyone.
Oxford University GLAM’s Commitment to Safety
By obtaining Friendly WiFi certification, Oxford GLAM demonstrates its commitment to providing a safe WiFi network for visitors and school children who come to learn and explore their collections. Their WiFi service now proudly displays the Friendly WiFi symbol, assuring visitors that they can browse the internet with confidence.
What Does This Mean for visitors to Oxford University GLAM?
Peace of Mind: When you connect to GLAM’s WiFi, you can trust that it adheres to recommended filtering standards.
Child-Friendly Environment: Families and young visitors can enjoy a worry-free visit to all venues, knowing that they will be kept safe online.
Schools can be rest assured: Teachers and leaders can be confident that their pupils will be kept safe online whilst learning and enjoying the venues that they are visiting.
Bev Smith, Director at Friendly WiFi supports their certification, “It is great to see the proactive decision by Oxford University’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums to become certified. They welcome many visitors to their collections, plus many school children. To ensure and show that they provide a safe online experience to all, shows their commitment to online safety and providing a great user experience for their WiFi services. We hope that this encourages other museums and historical venues to become certified.”
Lindsay Rudge, Registrar and Chief operating Officer for the Gardens, Libraries and Museums “The safety of all visitors to GLAM is critical, so we are very pleased to have achieved Friendly WiFi certification across Oxford University’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums.’
About Oxford University GLAM
The University of Oxford’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) consist of the Botanic Garden and Arboretum, the Ashmolean Museum, the History of Science Museum, the Museum of Natural History, the Pitt Rivers Museum, and the Bodleian Libraries.
GLAM house some of the world's most significant collections. They provide important places of scholarly enquiry and serve as the front door to the wealth of knowledge and research generated at Oxford, welcoming over 3 million visitors each year. Comprising over 21 million objects, specimens and printed items, GLAM constitutes one of the largest and most important research repositories in the world and provides an outstanding resource for scholars, students and members of the public