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The Importance of WiFi in Hotels and the Use of Captive Portals

Lady using internet on hotel roof

In today’s digital age, reliable and high-speed WiFi has become a critical amenity for hotel guests. Let’s delve into why WiFi matters and explore the role of captive portals in enhancing the guest experience.

1. Why is WiFi for Hotels So Important?

  • 90% of UK guests consider in-room WiFi as ‘very important’.

  • 65% of guests say WiFi significantly influences their decision to stay at a hotel.

  • Poor signal coverage is the top frustration for over 75% of guests.

2. Benefits of Offering WiFi:

  • Business Travellers: Rely on WiFi to stay connected with their office and family.

  • Guest Satisfaction: Seamless WiFi enhances the overall guest experience.

  • Brand Identity: A well-designed captive portal reinforces brand identity.

  • Data Collection: Captive portals allow gathering guest information for marketing purposes.

3. Designing Effective Captive Portals:

  • Brand Elements: High-resolution logo, consistent colours, and appealing graphics.

  • Responsive Design: Optimize layouts for various devices and screen sizes.

  • Efficiency: Quick connectivity, user-friendly interface, and reliable performance.

  • Multiple Login Options: Email, phone number, or social media login for flexibility.

  • Limited Data Collection: Initially restrict data fields to enhance user experience.

This is where our partners at Vital WiFi can help hotels make the most of their guest WiFi service.  They already provide over 200 hotels with guest WiFi, whether you have 20 rooms or 1000 rooms, they can help install your WiFi solution and ensure you have the best captive portal to engage with guests.

Vital WiFi

Key features of their solution include: -

Installation of a robust infrastructure ensuring the right number of access points to cover the whole of your hotel.

  • Remote help desk support for any queries that you may have – even late into the night.

  • Innovative captive portals to show and enhance your hotel brand whilst collecting key marketing data.

  • Ensures users get a strong and fast connection with their monitoring and management feature.

  • Manages your risk by ensuring the solutions is secure and compliant.

In summary, WiFi is no longer a luxury but a necessity for hotels. Those who prioritise it thrive, while others risk being left behind in the competitive market.

To find out more about Vital WiFi and how they can help, visit


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