Partners and Supporters

The National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cybersecurity and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth are leading the “Peer to Peer Online Safety” programme focusing on raising awareness of children on n issues such as cyberbullying, online grooming, sharing private information and self-generated sexual content, protection of personal data, etc.

The State Agency for the Rights and Protection of the Child is mandated to coordinate and organize the integrated child protection system, in implementing national child protection policies, including the implementation of interventions and taking measures for the prevention and protection of children from abuse, neglect, maltreatment and violence.

Friendly WiFi Albania is a safe certification standard for public WiFi. The symbol tells you where the service meets minimum filtering standards – particularly in areas where children are present.
Approved venues and locations in Albania
displaying the Friendly WiFi symbol have proved their service blocks access to pornography, images and videos of child sexual abuse.